Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fifteen point... something?

Hey all. What's up?

This past week I did pretty good. I had one horrific night- Saturday - and made myself an alcoholic drink that cost me a WHOPPING 600 calories- PSA: just because it has milk in it does NOT make it ok. After that, even though I really had zero desire for it, I had a bowl of ice cream. It was such a weird thing. I didn't even want the ice cream, but I think I wanted the emotional satisfaction Iused to get from it. Thing is? I didn't really get it. It was just... ice cream that I didn't really want. A cold drink that tasted good but certainly didn't make my night any better. It's kind of fascinating, it's the first time in a long time I've eaten my emotions, and I don't think it will happen again anytime soon. It just... didn't even work anymore.

Tonight I went for Greek food. So the calories for today are a big ??? unless someone knows the calories for Mykonos chicken. Um, not that I really think I want to know- it was not the smartest choice. I will make a different one next time.

I can feel such a shift in my attitude. I don't always want ice cream. I don't always want crap and junk. I also don't understand it. Was there a switch in me that suddenly just got turned off? What happened? Not that I'm not happy, but I do feel like in order to keep it going I need to understand it better. We'll see.

On the exercise front? I'm LOVING it. planning to write about it on lessofpaige because HELLO talk about another 180. The pounds are coming off- the inches are not being quite as compliant, which seems so weird to me, but I'm committed to keeping up with it.

Here's the proof:
Tuesday, 7/25: 1145 calories, 14 glasses water, workout
Wednesday, 7/26: 1425 calories, 12 glasses water
Thursday, 7/27: 1298 calories, 14 glasses water, workout
Friday, 7/28: 1469 calories, 14 glasses water, workout
Saturday, 7/29: 1967 calories (the drink, remember?), 14 glasses water, workout
Sunday, 7/30: 1158 calories, 12 glasses water
Monday, 7/31: 1384 calories, 15 glasses water, workout AND walking around the zoo all day
Tuesday, 8/1: 1562 calories, 14 glasses water, workout
Wednesday, 8/2: 683 calories + greek dinner, 14 glasses water.

I lost .8 pounds. I'm just happy the scale is going in the right direction.


Amy Witt said...

Yea Paige, Losing the desire to eat over emotions is so freeing. Don't let one drink or ice cream stop you!! Keep on keeping on. I am cheering for you.

Pink Slippers said...

Paige, so happy to hear that things are going well for you! What an amazing moment, about the ice cream....I hope you are so encouraged by these wonderful changes! Thanks for posting, you're inspirational!

Chickadeeva said...


Keep on Keeping On is exactly right!

Way to Go girl!

Kristina said...

Paige, I was encouraged by this post too. : )
Keep up the good work girlfriend. You are turning into a regular water drinking, workout, machine!!


kimiko said...

You are moving in the right direction. So what if you had one or two meals that were heavier than you would have liked? The main thing is that your attitude towards food is changing and you are committed to moving forward. Bravo!

SueAnne said...

You so inspired me with your post. Figuring out the emotional AND physical dependencies is what this journey is all about. It is about permanent changes baby! And you are making them! Way to go!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Paige, you are beautiful and your honesty continues to be such a fresh and lovely thing. So glad you are apart of this blog, girl.
