Sunday, August 06, 2006

Somethings good and some need work...

Hello ladies,
I am now on day 6 of the prism program. This weekend has been hard for me. I ate a little more in portion size than I should. However, I went to a bbq with a huge spread of yummy rolls, snick snacks, pasta and potatoe salads and desserts. I didn't cheat on what I ate. I had meat with out sauce and fruit. So although I am not proud of my calorie count for the last two days, I am proud that I haven't cheated myself by cheating on the plan.

I have also decided to wait until the end of the 6 weeks to weigh myself again. The scale makes me crazy. I am simply going to focus on having the right attitude towards food, chosing the right foods to eat in the right amounts and exercise over the next 5 weeks. Hopefully my body will kick in to gear. I haven't lost any weight yet but my pants are loose in the butt and thigh area. ( that is better than nothing and I will take it!)

Congrats Kristina for getting out of the obesity range and fitting in to medium pants! I am celebrating with you!

Congrats Jules, on your continued steady weight loss, you will make your goal weight in no time.

Totals for the last couple of days
Day 4
60 minute aerobic walk
136 ounces of water
1109 calories

Day 5
No exercise
128 ounces of water
1600 calories (boo hoo)

Day 6
No exercise
128 ounces of water
1492 calories (boo hoo)

This week I only exercised 4 days.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Kimi, because your calories were so low the few days before, you may have easily overeaten because your body needed that extra food. I am so proud of you. Good idea about the scale. You are going to have success at this, I know it.


Kristina said...

I think it's a good idea about the scale too. You can totally check your progress by how your clothes are fitting.
You just keep doing what you're doing, and I know your going to like the outcome.: )


Chickadeeva said...

Only excercised FOUR TIMES? That's great!

You sound like you're really going to get it this swing round - you are doing all the right things - Hang in there and you'll be braggin about how foxy you are very soon!