Monday, June 12, 2006

A sugar hang over...

I suppose in some ways it is a good thing to have reacted to all of the sugar that I had on my Birthday. It proves to my body that I don't really need it, even though I may want it some times. It was eye openening to see how my body responded to the chemicals that are so, so, bad for us. It's been five months since I've had this many sweets. Not that I haven't had a few, here or there. But nothing like on my Birthday. I REALLY didn't want to work out this morning, but I forced myself. I wasn't very chatty with the other girls, though. Hey, at least I made it. : )


Chickadeeva said...


Secondly, way to push yourself going to the gym.

I always remember this quote, "Consequences teach better than concepts."

Sometimes, we need a refresher course.

kimiko said...

Happy belated birthday Kristina!

Amy Witt said...

I too suffer from sugar/carb hangovers. (puffy eyes, irritable, bloated, cant' get out of bed) I think it just proves I am addicted to them. Birthdays only come once a year so celebrate and you are great to get right back to working out and eating right. You have accomplished so much and come so far. Keep going girl. You are my inspiration.

Kristina said...

Thank you Amy. You are such a source of encouragment to me : )

Mom2the6Rs said...

Rule number one: You eat feel like ca-ca.

end of discussion.
