Monday, June 19, 2006's still working!

Hi ladies...
Just giving an update. I am still doing the Eating for Life program and still having success! I lost .5 pounds last week and another whole pound this week. I am very happy about that, especially since last weeks free day was a little overboard. And this weekend was our 17th wedding Anniversary and so, although we did not go out this weekend to celebrate, we still had a nice barbeque and I indulged a bit there *(but not with food so much as Mike's Hard lemonades LOL). So all in all, not too bad. (We are planning for a good celebration next weekend, and I am really looking forward to it!) I have found on this program, that I feel much better when I eat more protein, on my free days, I do not eat as much and feel more tired and I want to eat more.

I have been keeping up on reading all your posts and I am so happy to see you all posting! Your posts really do encourage me and I really appreciate them being here. Keep up the hard work everyone, we are doing it one ounce at a time!

Have a great week...


~Jennifer said...

Good job! Can you tell me more about the Eat for Life program?

Chickadeeva said...

Way to do it!

I'm curious about the program too.

Paige said...

Good for you!

Isn't it funny how, once you start eating right, your perception of "eating bad" or "taking time off" changes... and you still end up doing somewhat ok those days, and really noticing when you don't??

Lisa said...

Tina, you're doing great! Lemonade and all! ;)

Mom2the6Rs said...

Happy Anniversary, Babe! 17 Years??!! You were just a baby when you said I do! A baby! Good for you on the eating plan....I am glad you found something that works.

Protein Rules!
