Monday, June 19, 2006

I'm down to the weight of my wedding day!

I'm actually down to 195.9. This is the approximate weight of my wedding day, 12 1/2 years ago. Give or take a pound. I cannot yet don the gown. My ribs are further apart after having four babies. But I am not discouraged. When I am able, I will post a photo of me in it. I need to be able to fully zip the thing up though. I'm up to 59.1 pounds. I'm getting measured next week, I'm curious about those numbers. I'll let you know the results... you know I will. : )


Chickadeeva said...

WOW - all these ladies getting into their dresses!

Kris, I can't tell you how beautiful you were your wedding day - but with all the experiences and maturity you have now - you're 100x the gorgeous!

Paige said...

Kristina, that's wonderful! That must be a wonderful feeling.

Lisa said...


I can't wait to see pictures of you in your dress - I know you'll get there soon.

How exciting! I'm so crazy-proud of you I could burst!


Kristina said...

Ladies, I'm fairly blushing!

Elicia, you are so sweet!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Good for you, Babe. You are a beauty. Inside and out. (You know the angels see the inside beauty and that is what they are singing about up there. Another one looks like HIM.)


Kristina said...

Awww, thanks Jules!

Pink Slippers said...

What a major accomplishment! I wanna see a picture of you on your wedding day....