Monday, June 12, 2006


Hello everyone,
I have been reading your posts but hiding. Last week was a real struggle. Just yucky cravings. It was a horrible PMS week. I was a ball of anxiety and I had chocolate four times last week. Didn't write it on my PRISM journal (except once). My period has finally started so things will be looking up, but I am hanging on by a thread:(


Mom2the6Rs said...

OH girl...throw away that thread and grab onto the rope I'm throwing you! Been there. You will survive. Don't beat yourself up....Love you!


~Jennifer said...

I think we've all been there. Sorry to hear your having a rough week.

Kristina said...

SueAnne, I'm with the other girls. I'm throwing you out a rope too. So sorry to hear about your yucky week. You are not alone, please believe me. PMS week is not a pretty picture over here at my house either. Just hang on girl, it'll get better. And please, don't beat yourself up. Just get back in the saddle, and forget about how you may have "slipped" up.

Love you, Kristina

kimiko said...

I am sorry this week has been so tough! Like the others said, we all have weeks and days just like that. You are doing so well and are looking really good. When you are ready, just get back up and brush your knees off and get to steppin. You will acompish what you have set out to do. I just know it.

SueAnne said...

Thank you ladies! I am grabbing the rope:)