Thursday, June 29, 2006

Fence rejuvenating made the loss!

Well, the weigh in was good. I lost my .8 gain from the trip and a little more. I'm down 1lb. I even got to the gym this week. All my efforts were spent cleaning, stripping and restaining our fence and it looks fabulous. Almost like new! Think of all those activity points. Now I'm on to building a patio for a seating area and firepit. Whoohoo!


Lisa said...


Your yard looks amazing! So, uh, *cough* when are you coming to do mine? :)

Congrats on the loss. Nothing like being productive AND losing weight. How awesome are you!


Pink Slippers said...

Your yard is looking gorgeous! I was thinking the same thing as Lisa, wanna come over and "visit". We could chat while making my yard as pretty as yours!! LOL!!
Nice work Debbie, congrats!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Yard looks beautiful, Debbie! Good for you on the weight loss! I am so glad you are breaking through your plateaus. You are so inspiring.
