Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Day two was a wash...

Thanks for all the encouragement I received for starting back on my eating plan. It does seem a little restrictive, it's because I choose the easiest form of protein on my list for my snacks (hence a can of tuna a day if I don't have fresh on hand). I find it easier for myself if I limit my variety of foods, at least during this stage of my weight loss. As long as it is on my list and it's easy and quick to prepare, I'm for it. Losing weight for me takes so much mental energy! The less choices I have to make in a day of what to eat the more successful I think I will be. It is difficult to eat 5-6 mini meals a day! On my plan I can't skip any of the 5 meals. As long as I eat every 2 -3 hours, I'm not starving and my metabolism is continuously moving, which is important because right now it is so slow and it very, very, difficult for me to lose weight.

Day two: Not a good one for me. It started with lunch. I had a large garden salad with a piece of cod fish. I was full so I didn't eat my complex carb. Big mistake! I got busy with my day, and then took a nap and the next thing I knew I had missed my afternoon snack time and it was time to eat dinner and I was starving! I had a handful of pretzels, then I had too many simple carbs at dinner and my portion sizes were too large (even though the lean turkey burger was healthy. By that time I was so discouraged I went on a eating binge. I won't even tell you all I ate!

Today is a another day. I am determined to press through even when I screw up. I have to overcome this enslavement I have with food, somehow someway. I am feeling better from I bad cold I had so I am going to walk this afternoon. I will journal my meals at the end of the day. Thank you ladies for all your support and encouragement. I need it so badly right now.


Chickadeeva said...

Girl, you keep it up! Having tuna on hand is totally easier. You're also sounding like a dietitian, "complex and simple carbs"! Soon, this stuff will be routine and you won't think about it.

Your body has a little changin to do, and I find NOTHING or NOBODY embraces change, so think of your grumbly tummy as a doggie who resists the leash or a pony who bucks now and then as resistance. Try to think of it as 'training'.

Great luck to you - Can't wait to hug you on Sat.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Kimiko, I really wish you would check out SueAnne's Prism curriculum. The reason I say that is that the daily readings are just what you need. They help to really see why we eat and they incorporate scripture and common sense approaches to disarming ourselves from this wrong behavior. You should check it out. It very well may be the missing piece you are looking for.
