Monday, June 12, 2006

Lil Surfer Girl

I have returned from Hawaii.
but, the island has not left me.

I was so happy to accomplish a life-long dream of learning to surf - and being able to DO IT!

My weekly work-outs at the barn, big snowboarding year and a focus on health over hunger has enabled me to accomplish a goal. I am glowing and proud.

It was so nice to be able to walk around in a bathing suit and not feel uncomfortable or insecure.

By the way - I plan to ditch everything to go back - and soon :-)


kimiko said...

You look like you had a great time. I am so glad your health has been at a place where you have been able to enjoy fun activities. It must have felt wonderful to feel confident in swim wear. Congrats!

Kristina said...

Good for you Elicia! You are braver than I. I have no desire to surf, but those white sands do look awfully appealing.
I"m glad you're back, and I'm happy for you that you had the opportunity to go.

Amy Witt said...

A long board even. I am impressed. I have a new appreciation for surfers now that I have been to the ocean and seen what they (you) do to actually get to the waves.

Pink Slippers said...

You are amazing! I cannot wait to get to meet you in person (and maybe chat a while!), the brave woman showing her fine little self in a two piece on the beaches of Hawaii! I am very happy for you, major accomplishment. Thank you so much for the fab pictures!

Mom2the6Rs said...

So glad to see you happy! I will see Hawaii someday...and I will be in a suit just like you. I love the one with the v neck top! Dashing.
