Tuesday, June 06, 2006

OK...OK...OK......I finally did it....are ya happy now??

Are ya sitting down?
Well ya better and if ya don't I won't be held responsible when you bump your head when you fall over.....now with that disclaimer out of the way.....After almost a year..yes I said a year....of paying for Curves....and talking myself out of it everyday.....(I hate going places by myself!! I know it's silly....) I got up and went !!! I not only made it there...(cuz I have made it before but not GONE in....) But I made it inside to exercise.......!! I know...I know...this may not seem like such a huge feat to some but for me it was BIG. I have been in the -"I'm never gonna lose weight rut" Just accept it and go on with life........Now that's not to say that I don't try to watch what I eat and take care of myself in that way but...I just haven't been giving it my all. And that's where the problem lies....I can't expect God to help me ..if I am not willing to to help myself...

So keep me in your prayers...not only that God will help me get my lazy butt out of bed, but to keep on track.....and even if I am not losing to keep going ......if for nothing more than to be a good example to my daughter and hopefully keep her from this fate.............


kimiko said...

I am so proud of you! I will keep you in my prayers. Weight loss or any drastic life changes is process. Sometimes 2 feet forward, one foot back. The important thing is that you keep moving forward, even when you fail.

~Jennifer said...

Hey, good for you! I completely understand; I was paying every month for a place a lot like Curves (Lady's Workout Express) until they went out of business. I went exactly 3 times in the year I paid for my membership. There's a Curves down the road, and I've been tempted to sign up, but I know I won't go. Sometimes just getting started again is the hardest part. Now you've got momentum in the right direction. Next time you go will be easier.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Kudos to you, my Sundee, girl! You win the bravery award of the week and it is only Tuesday!! Yippee! I love your motivation to set the example for Tawni. You are so full of love.


Kristina said...

Sundee, I am so proud of you!!! I kow that this was a huge deal for you. I remember after taking a three month break from going to Curves, it was REALLY hard for me to show my face in there again. But oh, I'm so glad that I humbled myself and I did. And that's what part of it really is, being real, and humble, and saying this is where I'm at, and I need help!
Let us uphold you here girl. You are not alone.
Ilove you,


Lisa said...

Yay Sundee! The hardest part really is getting through the door the first time after a break. By going in you've already jumped the highest bar!