Sunday, June 11, 2006

End of Week Update

Well, it's the end of the week, and I've lost almost three pounds!

I'm dancing the conga in my brain. do-do-do-do-do-DO

Tonight I'm going to a friend's birthday party, and it's at a Mexican restaurant, which is one of my triggers. I LOVE me some Mexican food. So, my plan for the evening is to order a taco salad instead of my usual fried chimichanga. Instead of chowing down on a whole basket of chips and salsa I'm going to have five chips, and yes, I will be counting them. I am going to have two margaritas because I just can't imagine socializing with my margarita girlfriends and drinking water. I'm going to "earn" them today, though, by drinking extra water and working out till I'm sweaty and my muscles burn.

(Julie, I have the html code for the ticker, but I can't update the template.)


Jenny V said...

Jennifer I loved the suggestion of lemons in my water. I used to do that all the time and then I forgot about it. Just yesterday I thought to myself, I have to use this bag of lemons up before they go bad. How funny is that! I journal with a weight watchers notebook. I went to one meeting and got a starter pack for about $25.00. I have been on the program for about 3 weeks and I am down 5.4 pounds. I don't do meetings but I check in on this blog instead. The program is flexable so I don't have to give up all of my favorite foods I just have to work them into my allotted points. I have never used a system or a plan before because I just didn't think I needed one. After about 6 months of trying my own way I decided I did need a plan. I am very happy about my current choice. I have about 30 pound to lose total and I am already down 5 pounds. Have a great time with the girl friends and thanks again for the water suggestion.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Jennifer, Good plan with the chips. Good plan. I am so glad you have lost weight this week!

Way to go!


Mom2the6Rs said...

Jennifer, you gotta go back to the website and redo the whole thing, then copy the new code and paste it into the template. Sucks, but that's how it works.


~Jennifer said...

but I can't access the template to make changes. I can only post new posts or edit the posts I've created.