Wednesday, June 28, 2006

IndePOUNDance Day?

Ok - the last post got me thinking....we have two big huge hunkin bbqs coming up THIS WEEKEND. There will be lots of food. LOTS.

So, what are your strategies for handling the tempations, Ladies?


Kristina said...

Okay, so, guess what? I've already thought about this weekend, and I'm NOT going to journal the day of the party. I am going to enjoy myeslf. I've been doing so well, and I figure that one day every once in a while is fine. As long as I get right back on track the very next day. And continue working out, no matter what.
I am loving myeslf and the progress that I have made. More than I love cake, and more than I love recees peanut butter cups and cheetos. There is nothing like 'feeling' thin, for the first time in over a decade! I am not going to visit the person that I used to be.

Amy Witt said...

Around these parts BBQ also means lots of fresh watermelon, tomatoes, strawberries and cantelope. I am worth keeping in control and eating what is good for me.

We have a 4th lunch that has been the same since I was a kid. My aunt and her friends all bring the same items so I know what is going to be there. I just plan accordingly.

For supper, Hebrew National makes awesome 98% fat free hot dogs. They are 2 points and a bun is 2 points. With fruit and some raw veggies, baked chips and a WW fudge bar. I will have a yummy dinner and the rest of the family can have regular hot dogs and fruit and chips.

Lisa said...

I'm with Kristina. Special occasion, behave specially. Not-special occasion, behave in regular, healty-habited fashion.

That said, I can't eat as much as I used to and can't handle as many rich foods. I eat when I'm hungry and STOP before I get to uncomfortably full. That alone is half the battle.

Paige said...

On Saturday, we have a picnic at my dad's.
My strategy? Bring food I can eat!!! We're bringing tomato and mozz salad and watermelon. I'm planning to have a burger, no bread, the tomatoes from the tomato salad (maybe a FEW of the mozz, but no more than TWO), and some watermelon. Good to go.

That's my plan. Bring the food I can eat, that way I KNOW it's there.

Pink Slippers said...

YIKES! I am so glad our fourth is low key...although we are going away for the weekend...and I am feeling weak! Keep strong, enjoy your special day and let's all meet up on the other side to encourage each other to STAY ON TRACK!!