Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Eating Out

I have now eaten out, and stayed in my calories successfully, several times.

Yesterday, lunch out at work was a small grilled chicken caesar salad. The chicken was gross and dry, and I was envying the other girls the steak on their salads, and the croutons. And the fact that their salads were large. While it may not have been the BEST choice (caesar dressing and parm cheese) it is certainly a HUGE step from what I would have chosen in the past (hello? Chicken parmesan, smothered in mozzarella, with a side of pasta?).

Today dinner out with a client- he chose. I wanted to go to Panera, and his response, "Isn't that the bread place?" told me no. (he's 13). We went to a little restaurant, and I got a tuna salad salad. You know. Tuna salad on top of salad. I guess it's tuna on top of salad, but whatever. It was good. I got the small. The dressing came and was oil and vinegar- I drained the oil off the top and used about 1 T of vinegar. I did ask for garlic bread- I can have a starch at dinner. Four slices came, and I? Queen of All Who Love Carbs? Ate one slice. And stopped. I had water to drink.

Over the weekend I ate out too. I made all kinds of different choices. When we went for ribs, I guesstimated two ounces. Now, I know that since I eyeballed, it was probably more. But I ate half of a half a rack. I ordered applesauce as a side instead of fries.

I'm thinking that the more I do this, the more it will become second nature. And eventually? I won't have to be scared of eating out. I still am, but the more success I have the better I feel. And the more I do this, the more I learn that healthy food does not equal gross food. It does not have to be fried to be good. That should be my mantra in life.

So, coming off of my gain on Monday, I'm finding that I an keep going, keep making good choices, and keep this up.

On another note, I'm going to Cape Cod this weekend for vacation. Friday to Wednesday. I plan to exercise at the hotel everyday (hello swimming!). I want know what your thoughts are on how to eat. I know a bunch of you have vacationed. Listen, I'm on vacation, I'm not going to be good all the time. But I also don't want to go off the deep end and regret it and feel gross. Any tips? Thoughts? Put calories in Sparkpeople? Journal? Skip journaling? I'm not sure what the best way to go is.

A big fat *MWAH* to all you guys. You are wonderful. Thank you. I probably won't post again til I get back, and I will let you know how it went.


Chickadeeva said...

I think you should keep journaling on something (notebook you take in your purse) just to continue good habits and keep yourself more accountable. You've already said you aren't going to be good because its a vacation, but then again, are you taking a vacation from health? NO!

So! Journal, be as Good as your concience lets you and remember the awful food HANGOVER our friend had after binging!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Good job, Paige. It is all about becoming aware and living a life that is truthful and honest with your own soul....kind of Buddhist sounding, eh?

I would agree with Elicia, I think you should journal.

Stick with salads, Fresh fruit, water as a beverage and whole grain carbs. And have so much fun in that pool!
