Monday, June 26, 2006

Down 58 glorious inches!

I have lost another 3.5 inches for the month! And that's with even gaining 1/2 an inch onto each of my thighs ( Building that muscle baby!) My body fat percentage has gone down a solid 7.7% too! That is, of course, all together. Out of the 62 pounds lost, 41 pounds of it was F A T pounds. UGH! So anyways, here they are, those wonderful, obedient, crazy, numbers. All together this is how it breaks down: 8 inches off of my bust, 10.5 inches off of my waist, 11.25 from my abdomen, 11.75 from my hips, 4 off of each of my thighs, and 4.25 off of each of my arms. I am smiling to myself. I am very content with my progress this month. Nearly six months ago if you would have told me that I'd be having these kinds of results, I wouldn't have believed it. But it's like the Curves ad is ringing true for me. Their slogan is, "Discover the power to amaze yourself". I'm just so, so happy. And it's awesome to see the pride in my husband's eyes. He's very proud of me as well. He's been telling me that more and more lately.


SueAnne said...

Kristina! The Incredible Shrinking Woman! I love it!

Lisa said...

You are amazing, Kristina! Congratulations to your skinny little self!

Chickadeeva said...

There's nothing like seeing sincere appreciation in your husband's eyes.`

Amy Witt said...

You are amazing!!!!!

Enough said!!