Friday, June 16, 2006

Weekly check in

Hey there ladies-
Well I have officially been on Weight Watchers for 4 weeks. I must say that the time has flown by. I am very excited to announce a 1.4 pound loss for this week. I took my measurements when I started and I am supposed to measure every month. So.... I have lost 2 inched on my waist and 1 inch on my hips. My arms and legs are slightly smaller as well. I don't remember exactly how much smaller. I don't know why but WW doesn't have you measure your bust. At least not in the little book I got. So I don't know how much was lost there. Perhaps it is to depressing to know how many inches the girls are shrinking! Oh well... I have measured my bust now so I have a benchmark for next month. My next goal is to reach 10 pounds lost. I think when I get there I may celebrate with a trip to the spa or a massage or something. I also found a great book regarding weight training and workouts. I have started it this week and I will let you know about the results in about a week or so. I am in love with it so far but I want to see results before I recommend it. I worked out twice this week. My goal is to work out 3 times a week. I am super excited that this is working. I still occasionally get hungry and I haven't been making the best food choices this week. I haven't gone over my points or anything but I have been eating a number of carbs and sweets and have lessened my veggies. We are through the last week of school however and I am ready for a summer break. My goals for next week are to up the veggies and create mini meals so that I can eat healthy on the go. My total weightloss for my first month on the program is 6.8 pounds. My husband went and found 6 pounds worth of weight and he brought it to me. He said, " Here hold this.... That is how much you used to weigh."
It was cool to have a physical reminder of the weight that had come off. It is only 6 pounds but when you hold it in your hands you realize that it is still a lot of weight. Oh and I measured my body fat percentage too. I am down 2% . So here is to a new week and a second month of weightloss!


Kristina said...

Way to go Jenny, I'm happy for you. : ) And WOW, your body fat has already gone down 2%? That is amazing!
I went ahead and made you a new ticker with the updated info. Keep up the good work honey.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny! How terrific for you! I am so happy and proud of you! Healthy, glowing, funny, vibrant Jenny is emerging! You are going to have so much energy, you are going to tire your kids out!

Love you, babe! Keep up the good work!


Amy Witt said...

Congratulations. You are doing great. Keep up the great job.

Chickadeeva said...

I was so sure you'd drop the weight/fat very quickly.

You and I have similar heights/builds and I know a little motivation and my body says YES!

Pink Slippers said...

Congrats! You are doing so well and I am happy you have found a program that really fits your lifestyle!
Keep it up!