Thursday, June 22, 2006

Help! I've Fallen Off the Wagon,...

and let's be honest, I was only on it for about a week. I'm feeling a little pathetic right now (sure sign my period is on its way). I'm not drinking my water, I'm eating things I have no business eating, in quantities that would feed an entire class of kindergarteners.

I'm sharing in an attempt to be honest and accountable. I haven't stepped on the scale in a few days, and I'm afraid to do it now. Not only will the news be bad because of my diet, but also because of the time of month.

I DID workout today. I found a yoga/pilates/weight training video that I like. I told my kids to nag me to exercise everyday. They might as well put their talent for nagging to good use. Ugh. There. I've confessed, which is one step better than my former pattern of just pretending everything is going swimmingly, when it's not.

I'm wondering if any of you ladies live close to me and might want to get together to walk, work out, roller blade, ride bikes, or something like that. Maybe we could set up a yahoo group to discuss things (like location) that we don't want to post on the internet? Just a thought.


Kristina said...

Hop back on Jennifer! Hop back on! Don't let this time of the month drag you under. Eating more will only make you feel worse, NOT better.
It's good that you can be honest with us, and with yourself. We're all here to help each other out. Heaven knows we all have horrible weeks. And without accountability, it would be nearly impossible to succeed.
Hang in there girl. And, HOP BACK ON!

Lisa said...

Sorry, Jennifer - unless you live in Texas I can't be your workout buddy. But Kristina's right - you've got to hop back on.

When I first started with this group, I would only weigh myself every two or three weeks. I knew I was having to wean myself off the bad stuff and that I would slip - and that was okay as long as I got back in gear afterwards. By only weighing every few weeks I would see progress EVERY time I weighed in, not get discouraged because my weight had fluctuated.

You know what you need to do to lose weight. So get back in the game. We're all pulling for you!


SueAnne said...

Two steps forward, one step back means you're still moving forward! Don't give up Jennifer! You are only moving backward if you give in and give up. We all slip up (I consumed an icecream bliscotti and doughnut that didn't make it onto my journal last nigtht!)It is a mountain climb though, just keep climbing!

Debbie said...

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels! You can do this Another great saying is "The chief cause of failure is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment" Keep your eye on the goal.

~Jennifer said...

Thanks guys!

"The chief cause of failure is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment"

Oh, that is so me. Sometimes I think I am a slave to momentary comfort.

Period started. I'm signing off to go workout BEFORE my morning coffee. (that's just the hardest thing in the world for me.)

Mom2the6Rs said...

Jennifer, honesty is the first step to change. And all I have to say is stop right now and choose a plan. Let some other brainiac with a degree in nutrition guide your way. Just tell yourself, "Self, stop being stubborn about giving yourself over to a tried and true plan and just do it!"
Do you live near Marysville?


~Jennifer said...

Jules, I knew you'd say that. I'm still not ready for a plan. ;-)

No, I'm not near Marysville. :(