Friday, June 23, 2006

Haven't posted in awhile!

Hey all you lovely ladies! I have been MIA for a bit, but I am here starting a new week with a renewed sense of purpose! My weight loss week starts on a Friday, because of my meetings for Prism. So...I am going to do these things this week:

1. Journal
2. Drink all my water
3. Measure my food
4. Work out at the YMCA more than 2 times
5. Stop envying Kristina
6. Get my nails painted
7. Make an appointment to get my hair cut
8. Start going to the Chiropractor
9. Buy brown rice, rice cakes and raw honey
10. Work in my garden
11. Take my bee pollen

My husband and I have restricted ourselves to only 30 minutes of internet time during the hours of 7 AM and 9 PM. This has been good, but I don't get as much time to blog as I used to. I am still checking the blog lots, though, but I try to do all my commenting at one time. Pray for me. I have a busy week coming up. I need my love tank filled so I can give it out to all who need it from me.

Love you guys. Wouldn't be here without you!



Amy Witt said...

Good for you Jules, YOu have a plan. I have discovered this is the best method since I usually fly by the seat of my pants. Even if you only get 8 of the 11 accomplished. Pat your self on the back. YOu have done a great thing for you and your family. Don't get discouraged. You are doing great. It is so easy to let life get in the way. We have VBS next week and it will be crazy here too. I will be praying for you daily. Love you.

Lisa said...

Ooh, I don't think I could do number 5... both you AND Kristina have given us a LOT to be envious of!

Here's to having a plan. Jules, you are doing an amazing job and I have no doubt that you're going to reach your goals.

We all love you and are proud of you.


Kristina said...

Julie, Julie, BEAUTIFUL Julie. I'm sorry you're having a hard time, babe. Once the stress of the parties is over, I think it'll get easier for you.
I do know how old journaling can get. But I also believe that's a large reason why I'm getting the results that I am. And, of course, I work out usually five times a week. Get back into the Y, and see how much better you feel.
I love you, you know I do. Call me if ya want to chat.


Chickadeeva said...

Girlfriend, You do more in one day than I do in a week. I know that God's grace will carry you. I suggest you try to spend a little time singing. You always feel better after a sing session. I know you do...and in addition to that you can make up lil songs with your kids. I know J and I have many jokes and singysongs we share. I love you muchos my God Blessed Precious Friend!

Glitzyguru said...

Jules, you're recommitment is a total inspriation to me. I'm in a similar boat. I'm so proud of you, and you're looking great! I miss you and can't wait to see you soon.
love mandi

Pink Slippers said...

Glad to see you posting again...I am cheering you on for your tough week over here! Go Julie!
Love you babe!

Debbie said...

I've missed your positive comments and glad you're back. I think it's great you have a list. It's easier to stay focused when it's right in front of your face. Love to you and the family.