Wednesday, June 14, 2006

getting ready... need your advice

I am trying to deal mentally with the past stumbling blocks that I have encountered in this weight loss journey. One main stumbling block for me is dinner time. I do well for breakfast, lunch and my two snacks. Dinner is another story. My husband is a read meat,pork and potatoes type of man. The things that I can eat on this phase of my eating plan are very plain and small portions. I have to eat a lot of white fish,lean poultry, veggies and a small plain potatoe or 1/2 cup of plain rice. After I cook for him, I don't want to make a separate plain meal for myself. I want to eat his yummy looking meal. So I am wondering, for those of you who have had such success, how did you overcome dinner time? Wisdom, tricks, anything please!


Kristina said...

At this point in time, half of the time my meals are different than Willem's. Or, if we eat the same thing, I just make sure that I weigh, and measure everything. Your plan is very restrictive, because of your body type. Mine allows a little bit more.
You know, at times it really is tough to eat something different than Willem. But then I just go ahead and look at photos of me at my highest weight, and that's all of the motivation that I need. Because girl, I am feeling F-I-N-E. : )


Lisa said...

Disclaimer: I am totally unqualified to offer advice, having never been married.

That said, I lived with guys in college - they thought cheese dip was a legitimate food group and any cooked vegetables an attempt on their lives.

We struck a deal mainly consisting of foods that could be dressed up or dressed down for each person's tastes. For example: we ate a lot of chicken fajitas. The guys would load theirs up with cheese and cooked onions while I would take the lettuce, tomatoes and chicken (sans tortilla) and have myself a nice little salad. Vegetables are also great in this regard. In my experience meat-and-potatoes men will eat veggies if they have a sauce to them (cheese, hollendaise, etc.) which I would just leave off mine.

I'm sure your husband would be supportive if you explained the situation to him and sat down to come up with meals that you both can and will eat.

Paige said...

I am VERY spoiled because Khalil cooks. (that's my husband).

But. We've sat and talked, because when I'm not eating well we have alot of fried, alot of processed, and alot of ALOT.

I still have to look at his plate sometimes and I kind of...grimace. But I keep in mind the gross overstuffed fat feeling I had when I was overeating. I did not like it.

Just becuase you have to stick to chicken and fish doesn't mean it has to be plain!! Chicken, fish, and rice all like spices and herbs. This can really help in the "this is yummy too" area.

Also, I fill up half my plate with veggies every night. Then 1/4 is a starch and 1/4 is a protein- all measured and weighed, OF COURSE. :)

Think of this when you're eating dinner: across the country (I think you're west coast, right?), women all over and on this blog are doing similar things. Eating something or different than their husbands, because they care about themselves enough to make different choices.