Saturday, June 03, 2006

Disneyland Rocks

There is fruit and salads and veggie burgers and more fruit and more fruit. Of course it costs an arm and a leg but worth every bite. We had a blast and I did not over eat. Those are my three little guys, Butch, Sundance and Toddler. Just chasing Toddler everywhere should be worth at least 3 activity points. We walked 5.3 miles according to my pedometer. My feel hurt but my heart is happy.

Today it is on to Hollywood and tomorrow it is Catalina Island.


Chickadeeva said...


I love Catalina Island. I lived in that area for a while - I joke that I was a teen in the O.C. before it was called the 'O.C.' :-)

Sigh, I'm imagining you walking around the waterfront in Catalina, or maybe renting a golf cart...(few cars are allowed on the island)


Mom2the6Rs said...

I know!!! I was at Disneyland this past February and I was quite shocked at how well I could eat. Although there was a battle with a chocolate dipped banana....oh well. How we grow and change.

Have fun with your sweet family!
