Sunday, January 01, 2006

Baby steps.....

I noticed no one has posted since before Christmas.....Hee Hee Hee....Ok.. well now it's 2006, a clean slate. I have decided to make baby steps, but drastic baby steps if that makes since. I have decided I need to do this not only for me but for my whole family. I do not want to be responsible for my daughter having the same health and self esteem issues I face, but that's what I am dooming her to by not teaching her how to take care of her body. I never really thought about it when she was younger because she was always thin and VERY active. BUT..things have changed, her body is changing and her eating habits are...well ...what I allowed them to be. So ...
1. I am not buying junk food for the house. We wont jump off cold turkey...we still have plenty left from December..but I am not allowing any more if we want to have a little to enjoy say Jan 29th...well we better eat less now. I have stocked up on plenty of fruits, vegi's, juice(100% juice), ect to keep us more than full....
2. starting tomorrow ..I am exercising WITH my daughter...I got a great exercise tape that really explaines the how and why we exercise....and I got some fun dance ones as well .
3.....We are also going to start "HEALTH" class...for all of us.
4. I am putting together a collage of pictures that show all the things I would love to be able to do but can not because of my weight...and I am putting it on the I can see it every time I want to talk myself into eating something I shouldn't.
It will take me the next month..maybe get it all in place..and make my schedule pray that I will have strength...I have a long way to go..and medical problems that add to the weight problem... but I have a BIG God and I know he desires me to he healthy. So as I am faithful in taking care of my body, I am sure He will be faithful as well.

1 comment:

Mom2the6Rs said...

Yippee, Sundee! You rock, babe. You are going to do so well with this plan! I love you. You are a great mom and it's not too late...You can teach Tawni the truth about food and health and her marvelous body as you learn, too!