Friday, December 23, 2005

im not losing or shaking....

Im eating. Ack. It has been a really rough few days. Difficult life situations and poor food choices. I have not wanted to exercise, let alone make healthy choices, ditto goes for keeping my house or anything else that I normally do. Ok, it is time for me to get a grip and do what is right for me. One of you wrote how much better you felt when you ate right and ran...well, I know how great I feel when I eat less during the day and workout, not just emotionally, but physically I feel so much better, which then leads to physically feeling good as well. I am going to take Julie's advice and go one meal at a time. I will try to get in here and let you all know how it went. I feel inspired by all your thoughts...I started off so stong, then WHAM-O life did a drive by! Ouch. I do have to say on the good side, for the wrong choices I did make, I did not go way overboard, I am proud of that fact.
Thanks everyone,

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