Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Sugar Monster

It is a well know fact in my family, that if I eat too much sugar, I grow horns and steam comes out of my nose. It has been that way for many years. I am not sick (thank God) - I have checked with a doctor - but too much sugar gets me way down after a while. So, today was one of those days. I baked enough Christmas cookies to kill a small group of carol singers. Really, I made like 5 different kinds of cookies, and had to sample each one at least once if not three times. At 4pm, I could tell the sugar monster was on her way to wreak havoc on the poor innocent bystanders that happen to be involved in my evening plans (poor fools didn't see what hit 'em). By 5pm I was officially not a fun person to be around. By 6, I was downright nasty. It is now 11pm and I don't want to talk about it anymore.

No, really, I know that I need to make sure I get lots of fresh veggies, meats, cheeses, fresh fruit, and some good grain bread and drink my weight in water. Let's be honest... it is called "SELF CONTROLL". A cookie here and there is fine, but sugar all day long, for several days in a row is just straight-up stupid. I am still waiting for that "first day". I know it is around the bend... any second now.... all right, here it comes.... I can see it.... it will get here soon.... I can do this.

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