Monday, January 23, 2006

Confessions for my friends

Thank you Julie for checking in on me. Things in the minivan have been yucky. We have had everyone with the croup and just as Toddler was getting over it he came down with Rotavirus. I don't do well with stress. Today I stepped on the scale and OH MY, I think it is broken. How can I have gained back my progress? This is the pits. I just don't do well with stress. (did I already say that?) It seems that when the kids are sick they just get more demanding.

Enough of the excuses. What this is is a spiritual issue. When I am stressed I turn to food instead of turning to the true source of my strength. Today, we ate ham and mac and cheese. It is what they wanted and since I didn't feel like making two lunches, I just ate it too. The difference today is that I ate ONE serving. The food we eat is not bad, I just eat too much of it.

Now I am off to fill my mug with cold water and get to drinking. Maybe in a few days, the bambinos will all be well and we can get back to normal and get the rest of the Christmas decorations put up. (but that is another story)

1 comment:

Mom2the6Rs said...

So glad you checked back in! Sorry life has been so stressful! I agree with your assessment of the spiritual source, but I also think you have fallen into the trap that most moms have. You have put yourself last on the list. My prayer for you is that you will put yourself first, so that you can be at your best to serve your family. Love yourself enough to do this for yourself. I think in Christian circles, we see self-love as a negative thing. I am not talking about selfishness, that is totally different. We need to meet our own needs so that we can effectivly meet the needs of so many others.

I am raising my water bottle for a toast now....."Here's to you, girl! I believe in you and I can't wait to hear some good news from the minivan!"
