Monday, January 16, 2006

It feels so good....

Oh yeah, I mean not eating before bed, duh! I am actually enjoying this feeling of not eating before bed! Who knew?! So, I have been doing pretty good. Currently I am not following any particular plan, I am just doing what I have long known to be right. Today looked like this:
Breakfast: smoothy (are you surprised?)
Lunch: oh, we went to mcdonalds, hmmm, I had a grilled chicken sandwich no mayo and a water, felt great!
Snack: one of my daughters gummy fish from Ikea
Dinner: I fried up to FF Hebrew National hotdogs, put it on whole grain bread with a side of broccoli and some grapes. WOO HOO!
Snack later: grapes
Oh, and I have been drinking my water and really enjoying hot tea. Did a nice long walk with the dog today on hubbies suggestion, thanks hubby for the support!

Yesterday was ok, we had company, always makes it harder, although I had some treats, I did watch my portions very closely. I am very proud of myself! Well, now I am off to bed and looking forward to a vigorous workout in the morning. Keep up the great work ladies! I can't wait for my jeans to fit me better too!


Kristina said...

Way to go Tina. Doesn't it feel good to make the right choices? Portion control is a vital thing. That is one thing that I was sorely lacking! WAS, being the key word.
Ya know, if I looked as good as you do, I would be a very happy woman. You are beautiful.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Ditto. Love you babe! Keep up the bright outlook...ignore the rain.
