Monday, January 23, 2006

Body Makeover Link

Kristina took this test and it tells what body type you are and what kind of eating you should be doing. I am going to take it, too. Information is power, freedom, and leads to wise choices.


Mom2the6Rs said...

I am a type D. According to the test.

Amy Witt said...

I am an Endormorph...which I think translates to fat and you can't lose it very easily.

Mom2the6Rs said...

I am too, but we can lose it! We have to build the muscles that help to burn that fat. Pump it, girl. Don't give up. Remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made! God wouldn't strand you in an "endormorph" body that was unable to be healthy and shed the weight. He doesn't make mistakes.


Kristina said...

Hey now, I have a B body type, which means that my metabolism is VERY slow. Which also means, that if I don't eat right, I gain everything right back, and then some. Come on now honey, it'll be tough, but you can do it! Just think about how good you will feel if you stick to it!

Amy Witt said...

I needed the virtual tail kicking. Tonight I made dinner that is good for ME. Baked chicken with tomatoes, corn and rice. If they don't like it let them eat....well hot dogs.

Chickadeeva said...

They didn't have a body type for me! I guess I'm an alien after all.

Kristina said...

Elicia, we already knew that!