Wednesday, January 25, 2006

So, is it weird to watch the Food channel while on a juice fast? Hee hee! Ok, things are still going well, although tonight was a bit harder, especially when my family had dinner. During the day I can go and distract myself while the kids eat, but at dinner it is a bit harder. Tomorrow is my last day on the fast and then Friday I will be gently reintroducing food. And by that I mean, eating light meals and going vegan for the next few days. I am planning on fruits for breakfast, soups for lunch and possibly some brown rice with steamed veggies for dinner. I will also continue juicing, but less than I am currently doing now. This has been a good experience so far and I am thinking I would not mind doing a cleansing fast like this on a quarterly basis. I think it is good for my system. Well, I will check back in tomorrow.
Good night.


Mom2the6Rs said...

I loved spending some time together yesterday! Thanks for coming over and bringing the puppy! I think I might post a cute shot for the ladies to see. I am proud of you on your juice fast! Good job!


Kristina said...

Okay, did you REALLY watch the food channel while on your juice fast?! I don't think I could do that. But way to go with sticking to the plan! I've never done just a juice fast before, hmmm...