Monday, January 23, 2006

Today was the day, and today I am celebrating!

I went into Curves this morning and did the deed. And low and behold, I have lost eleven pounds!!! I was SOOO happy to see that number! When I weighed myself two weeks ago, I was overwhelmed, with it being my heaviest weight ever. But, I have stayed the course, and I have proven to myself that I can do it! It's just going to take time, and lots of hard work. I also had her take my measurements, because I know that the pounds will most likely be slowing down as I build more muscle. So I wanted to be able to look at the inches as well. When I had initially started Curves, fifteen months ago, I was 249.2 pounds, just 5.6 pounds lighter than my heaviest weight two weeks ago. BUT, I have lost a total of 20.5 inches around my body since my very first workout fifteen months ago. And you know, as long as I can keep going down in my clothes sizes, I am one happy lady! I wore a new pair of pants for the first time yesterday. My little sister had given them to me last August, but I wasn't able to wear them comfortably. But I wore them all day yesterday, and I felt so good in them! Another cool thing that I did yesterday was stay away from the junk food at our neighbors house. We went over there with a few others to watch the Seahawks game. And let me tell you, I wanted those over sized salty pretzel sticks SO BAD!!! I just kept eye balling them, as I drank more and more water. Well, when it was all said and done, I did not sucumb to the pretzel sticks, but I did drink a whopping 14 glasses of water to help me abstain. (14 for the day, not just during the game, for those of you who think maybe I'm a bit crazy).
Anyhow, it's Monday, I've worked out, and I'm feeling good. Here's my stats for the last few days:
Day 12: 1,275 calories, 10 glasses of water, workout

Day 13: 1,265 calories, 10 glasses of water

Day 14: 1,255 calories, 14 glasses of water

Today so far, just a cup of cheerios, and a cup of coffee. Yeah for me!


Mom2the6Rs said...

Holy Butter Sticks, Batman! Forty Four out the door! Or flushed down the drain in your case! Whoo Hoo! You rock! You can do anything you set your heart to, Kristina! ANYTHING!


Chickadeeva said...


That's amazing girl!

But, I know you have it in you. (or can get it out of you :-)

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see you again!!!

Kristina said...

Thanks girlfriends! Your encouragement keeps me going!

Bickler3 said...

We do think your a bit crazy...but that's what we love about you !!GOOD JOB!!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU !!

Amy Witt said...

Awsome. What an inspiration.

Pink Slippers said...

I know how hard that can be to avoid something you really want. I can only imagine how great you felt when you avoided those pretzels. I am very happy for you! Way to go Kristina! You are an inspiration!!