Monday, January 23, 2006

Alrighty then. I am back again...sorry it has been a while. I too am hitting a spiritual wall here..having a hard time keeping up the diet. I also believe that our eating habits should be with the mindset of caring for this temple that our Lord has given us and that His Spirit inhabits. This being said, I am making a drastic change for the next few days to see if it will give me the kick in the pants I am currently needing. I am going to go on a juice fast for the next three days and work on detoxifying my body. Today I ate light to begin with, lots of fruit and veggies, salmon and brown rice for dinner and tomorrow I will be only drinking juices that I am juicing with my juicer. (hee hee that was funny) I bought a couple of books on juicing while detoxing and so I am following the plan outlined in there. I have been drinking detox tea for about 5 days now and have noticed some small changes. I will also be drinking tea during the detox. After that I will break the fast on Friday with a light meal like I started with and then I will, HOPEFULLY, continue to make great food choices from then on out. I have several good reasons to work hard here, well, actually I have bunches, but some immediate ones are: I have to go in to the doc and have a blood draw, I am borderline to being diabetic and if I don't get this weight off, I could end up being diagnosed with it, which of course I don't want. And I also have to go in for a mammogram, my dr. found a cyst and wants to make sure there is nothing else in there so I have that scheduled for the 7th of Feb. I am hoping that this detox might clear up the cyst and that all will be well. But it has made me a little stressed as well as some other fun family stuff, and like many of you, when stressed I turn to food. BUT, I am working on getting a new attitude and I am really hoping I will start feeling so good after this detox program that things will brighten up for me. Oh yeah, I also ordered the new Winsor Pilates workout with the ring. I really enjoy her workout videos and do notice a huge difference when using them regularly. I'll let give you all a review when I try them out. Thanks for sharing all your stories, it really helps to not feel so alone at not meeting your goals and it also feels very encouraging to hear people making it and having all those wonderful feelings of success!
I will post soon.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Wow, Tina, you are such a take charge kind of gal! I will be praying for the cyst thingie. You are carrying a lot. Here with ya.


Kristina said...

Hey Tina, I was glad to see you posting again. sorry about the cyst, that's got to be very stressful. And to not know if you are diabetic or not, man, you've got a full plate.
Good luck with the detoxing. Three days with just juice, now that sounds tough! Let us know how you do with that. Thinking of you,