Friday, January 06, 2006

Prism Day One

Ok, ladies...Time to start again! Lets get a move on! Let's join Sundee and Tawni and set some goals! After all, it is just physics, right? No magic pill or super knowledge needed. What goes in must not be more than what is burnt and spent and processed and used by our body. Cut the food (calories, or fat grams, or carb intake, or portion size) and move the body. Simple. Let's find a system that feels right for us and lets not allow ourselves to let our most important friend down...You are your most important friend.

I started a program today after attending a meeting last night. This program follows the above physics laws, just like every other weight loss program on the planet. It is called Prism. I started Prism seven years ago and had great success. I lost 58 lbs. It was strict, it was simple, it was doable, I learned to love myself, I learned to keep my word to myself and be truly honest with myself. I let all of those things go, had two more babies, one bout of Post Partem depression, and seven years of stress eating create me back into the woman I was seven years ago. I am here to say that I am going back to the truth that works for me. My tummy is growling a bit...But I had a successful day. My tummy will adjust. My energy will return. My body will morph back into something more healthy, and I will slay the dragon once again.

1 comment:

Bickler3 said...

Tell us a little about Prism..I dont remeber the what , why and when....maybe it will give me idea's!!