Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Julie's Day So Far

Hey, gals...I am having a great day! Hope you all are, too. My kids are eating dinner, I just finished a rice cake with deli mustard and six slices of deli turkey. You know, the paper thin kind. That's what I would like to be some day...Paper Thin. Ha!

I weighed myself at the Y yesterday and was excited that I don't have that far to go to reach my first objective....Break the 200's. I want to see anything with a 1 in front of it...Anything. It has been at least 5 years since I have.

Yesterday's calories were: 1054, I worked out at the Y, took a vitamin that made me nauseous(I figured out that I have to wait until lunch to take one of these things!), and drank 8 glasses of water.

Today I am at 678 calories (I haven't had dinner yet), I didn't exercise, but I had the creepy vitamin and I have only 1 more glass of water to go. Most importantly, I think my body is adjusting to this new calorie level really well. I feel very clearheaded and I wake up ready to jump out of bed for the day. I feel like I am not having the normal 4PM crash, too. Which is great. I was slightly tortured last night when my kids were eating Pizza. I kind of wanted to scarf that doughy crust on down...But I didn't.

Hope to see some more posts from you all soon! Where is everybody?

1 comment:

Amy Witt said...

{Jumping up and down} Here I am, Here I am, I am jumping back on the bandwagon. Thanks for checking in with me and getting me back on track.