Friday, January 13, 2006


Okay, I must confess. I have eaten more vegetables this week, than probably the last couple of months combined. I know, I know. What can I say? I had been eating so poorly this last few months. It's just been a very eye opening experience for me to journal everything that I've put in my mouth this week. It's been good, it's been very good. I must say, my trips to the grocery store have actually been pretty fun. I don't need to feel embarrassed by what I'm putting up for the cashier to ring up. I feel liberated. I feel clean. I feel empowered. I am free to make the healthy choices, and I'm free from shame. Can somebody say amen!?!


Mom2the6Rs said...

I can. Say Amen, I mean. Way to go, sister!

I dub thee Number One Veggie Snackum Queen


Bickler3 said...

Kristina...I just love you....

Kristina said...

Right back at ya Sundee!