Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I sniffed the peanut butter

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Yup, you got it, I took a long whiff of the peanut butter. My kids wanted a spoonful of peanut butter, we needed to open a new jar, of course when you do, it smells the best, so I sniffed it. Not just a weenie sniff either....a serious one that just about had calories in it. I am working on this fasting, it is really going pretty good. You drink a LOT of juice while doing this. I have washed my juicer 6 times today already. Tonight will be my hardest hurdle, but I am determined to make it. I really feel like this could be a time of reprogramming, shrinking my stomach and clearing out my system so my cravings might subside a bit. It was funny, a few times today I caught myself wanting to just grab something to eat without really thinking about it, very strange. I wonder how often I have been doing that one lately, no wonder my jeans are all getting tight! Well, I will report in tomorrow, let you all know how it went. I am feeling tired early today, so I am going to and relax a bit. Oh, I did get in my workout, kept it light with a walk around the neighborhood in the beautiful sunshine. Keep up the good work ladies, I am rooting for all of you! (Oh by the way, don't you love the name of that peanut butter in the picture? "Heavenly Spread peanut butter" couldn't have been better!)


Mom2the6Rs said...

You are too funny! Will sniffing peanutbutter be a new addiction?

Yummy addiction!


Kristina said...

Ditto on what Jules said! And good job with the detoxing so far. As for reaching for the food, I completely understand what you're saying. I was constantly putting things in my mouth, without giving it a whole lot of thought.