Saturday, April 08, 2006


This resides at my house. It sits in the bathroom and taunts me on a daily basis. "Just step on me," it seems to say. Today, I told it, "NO." I am only going to weigh in at my meetings. I am not going to let my mood be determined by a piece of equipment that cost $39.99 at major stores. This has been sent into the closet to reside with the clothes that don't fit and the winter shoes and coats. I hope they become good friends.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Good for you! That is a smart move, girl!


Pink Slippers said...

WOO HOO! Stick it to the scale! What a relief that will be, not to be controlled by it's evil numbers!
I am proud of you, it is hard NOT to weigh yourself sometimes, when looking for that positive affirmation. Just know you are doing good for yourself, and that the rest will fall into place naturally!

Lisa said...

If my scales read 128.5, I would hang them on the wall with a nice frame where everyone could see when they walked in!

But I firmly agree with you on the "it can't run your life" thing. I have the same problem, and it gets me in trouble.

Good luck!