Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I'm Back

I'm back ! My life has been so out of sinc for the last month and a half. My brother's sudden unexpected death, being out of the country for 2 weeks, planning a memorial, lots of company and ,oh yes, a birthday. I have still been loosing weight - but very slowly. I was tempted to stop going to Weight Watchers because I thought I was doing so poorly. I did go and was surprised that I was still loosing. My choices have been better even though I haven't been following the program - like writing everything done in a food journal, counting points etc. I do need to get back on track. It's funny how easy it is to start falling back into your old ways and old excuses when you get off track for awhile. I have just started going back to the Y. I am going to do my food journal and keep track of my points every day. I am going to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

It feels so good to be wearing a smaller size. I got out my box of size 12 summer pants. They fit. Putting away my size 14 winter pants makes me so happy. I know, I know I should just take them to Value Village but it scares me to give them away. I've done that before and been sorry, so for now I will just put them away. I have also bought a few new smaller things. I guess I need that reward. I'm trying not to buy too much because I'm planning on being a size 10.

We all have our ups and downs but there is so much support on this blog. I am inspired by your posts. THANKS!


Mom2the6Rs said...

Hey, Yommy, I know a certain daughter-in-love who is currently wearing a size could keep em in the family, you know.

Proud of you!


Kristina said...

Glad to have you back Jodie. I've missed you.


Lisa said...

Welcome back!