Friday, April 14, 2006


Hello everyone,
Here is where I am at. I don't want to post, but I know honesty and accountability are my friends:) I am a WW drop out. My group lost it's place and time slot. My journaling has stopped. I think WW is a GREAT program. I learned a lot about eating right and eating healthy portions. However, I am not just someone who needs to learn to eat better. I am an outright addict. Addicted particularly to sugar. I have asked the doctors about it for years, but they just test my blood sugar level and tell me I am fine and not diabetic. However, anyone who thinks that you cannot be addicted, does not know what it is like to be addicted.
Sugar is an addictive substance, however, like alcohol not everyone is addicted. I am down right addicted and usually looking for the next fix. It is never NOT on my mind. I am looking into the PRISM program and gathered some materials, and contacted a couple of local groups. I have found one that will work for me and am scheduled to go to an intro meeting on the 24th. I cannot deny that weight loss will be a welcome side affect, but my main motivation is to be free from the monster. The stronghold. The addiction.
Right now I am just trying to eat good and make good choices (we all know how successful that is-HA). But I am mentally and emotionally kissing my comfort foods goodbye-forever. I know when I actually start the program, I will never look back. I am talking to prayer partners to keep me accountable and count on you all as well:)
Happy Easter!
He is risen!


Pink Slippers said...

Have you all heard about the link with bacterial infections and sugar addiction? Candida, and sugar addiction is a growing movement where naturopaths have made a connection between people who have taken antibiotics for bacterial infections without taking acidophilus supplements to restore the "friendly bacteria" in your system that keeps the yeast from growing out of control in your body. When this happens you start craving sugar all the time, it is the food that yeast lives on. You might check out the web for more information and there are specific diets to clear your body of the yeast so you can truly be free of the addiction. Don't know if this will help or now, but I thought I would throw the information out there if anyone was interested!

Pink Slippers said...

Hiya all, I went to google and typed in "candida diet" and came up with a quiz if anyone wants to take it here is the link: You probably need to copy and past this in...let me know if it doesn't work. I was only at a 55% - so it was not conclusive for me.

Chickadeeva said...

I have certain times where I crave sugar - PURE SUGAR. Often, I'll indulge it with mouthfulls of white cake. I don't eat out often, and I have a small stomach, so not much is needed to satiate my craving.

But - I do certainly get over it. Then, it won't happen for several weeks. I've always thought it was a trigger for some deficiency.

However, I have used food to make me feel better when I'm really achy and in pain. I think, "heck, this suxs and to keep wanting to live, I need something awesome to enjoy." sometimes its white cake.

Paige said...

A blog I read,, has alot of good information about sugar addiction- she's struggling with it, and publicly on her blog. It's fascinating.

I don't struggle with sugar addiction, for me it's an emotional addiction to food. But I think if you are addicted to sugar, it would be interesting to click over to her blog and read- it might help you identify. Also, she's found a book that talks about it as well.

Hope this helps!