Monday, April 24, 2006

Complete first week:)

Hello everyone,
We had a great time at the Women of Faith conference in Spokane. Can't say the eating was easy. Saturday, I think was the most difficult day I have had so far. I was very tired and shaky. Walking around the Spokane arena with all my comfort, mochas, pop, cheesy fries.....

I can not say it has been easy, but each moring I wake up with a wonderful feeling of victory. I know if I can commit to the guidelines, God will teach me new ways to cope, new ways to think, new ways to eat. I know He is making permanent changes.

My tip for the day: My biggest weakness is mochas, especially when I am out, really tired, or stressed. I can become like a drug addict, shaking and craving and resisting, and crying. So, on my really bad days, when I am so very tempted, I mix up 3/4 c. frozen blueberries, 1 c. strawberries, and 1/2 c. milk for a sugar free smoothie. Then, I make sure I SIT DOWN to enjoy it and de-stress, read some devotional materials, and go on:)

Day 5: 1,217 calories; 9 glasses of water
Day 6: 1,069 calories; 5 glasses of water
Day 7: 1,257 calories; 9 glasses of water

Blessings to you all!
7 days sober


Lisa said...

Way to go, SueAnne! The first week is always the hardest!

Mom2the6Rs said...

SueAnne, I can tell already, you are there, babe, you have made it! You have the determination and the ability to reach for your dreams. Even though the scale doesn't say it yet and you have many days that must pass before it does, it is as if you are done. You have made it, babe. It's all a matter of time now. Like when you find out you are pregnant, you might only be 9 weeks along, but you know, in a matter of time, you will be holding that little one.

I am so happy for you! WhooHoo. I like your smoothie idea, too!


Kristina said...

I'm so proud of you. And I totally understand where you are coming from. I used to be a real stress eater, and naturally I always went for the junk food. Sometimes I'm still tempted to do it again, but I know how rotten I'll feel if I give in. And so, by the grace of God, I refrain. But I've really had to train myself.
Hurrah1 You've made it through your first week!
I'm so looking forward to meeting you next month at our Spring Hurrah.


Amy Witt said...

First week what a wonderful accomplishment. You have everything to be proud of. That first week is the hardest. Keep it up. I am praying for you.