Monday, May 22, 2006

phase 2 again!

Hey ladies! I had such a great time on Saturday! It felt so good to try stuff on that was smaller than I thought I could get into. I wish you all could have seen both Kristina and Julie when they tried on these pants they bought, they were flying high! I got into a medium shirt! MEDIUM!! Couldn't believe my "ladies" would ever be small enough for that, Praise the Lord!
So, like Julie mentioned on the blog last week, I did loose 9 lbs on the last phase we just finished on Prism! I"m excited about that. I'm almost half way there. I'm doing phase 2 over again because I wasn't really mentally there, didn't read my journal readings or exercise that much. So those are two things I want to intergrate into my life in this phase. Should be great.
Julie will have to take an updated photo of me to show everyone, those heads shots don't really do justice. :)
Thanks for the support!


Mom2the6Rs said...

This will be a great phase for you, Ms. Faithful! I know you will get excersize because you will be helping me out over here and I am planning on working your butt off! Ha!


Glitzyguru said...
