Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms on the Blog!

Holy Cow! I got a humdinger of a fuschia today for Mom's Day! I swear it is about 4 feet in diameter! Hope all you ladies are enjoying the day. My honey works today, but he and the kids brought breakfast in bed for me (the kids devoured most of my fruit plate) and they made sweet cards. RaeElise said, "Mom, I love you more than Disneyland!" Ahhhhhh. So sweet. Reuben said, "Mom you are a better person than I am." He said he wanted to write that I was better than Oprah, but he didn't know how to spell her name. Ha!

It is also my son Reuben's 12th bday today. Check out my other blog for a little tidbit on him. Love that boy!



Kristina said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too sweetie! When I briefly saw you this afternoon, I just thought you looked gorgeous. You have such a great sense of style.

Love yuou,

Lisa said...

What a beautiful family you have, Jules. Happy Mother's Day!