Saturday, September 30, 2006

Ten Reasons I Have a Ticker Now

Yes, yes, your very own Word Master has decided that she has good reason to tone up even more. Besides seeing Jules and Kris pave the way to gorgeous buns, and besides the obvious health reasons - I have a new goal for myself.

I would like to event (three day eventing) a horse next year.
This means that I'll need to train to be able to handle Dressage, Stadium Jumping and Cross Country. This is a big goal for me.

1. I need to be lighter for the sake of the horse
2. I need to be stronger to handle jumps/landings
3. I need to have greater endurance to train
4. I need to be more flexible to properly put my leg around the horse
5. I need to be fitter to handle a potential fall more successfully (unscheduled dismount :-))
6. I need to put a check on my slowly creeping upwards scale
7. I would like to look really good in those stupid tight white show breeches
8. I would like to bundle the physical training and the nutritional training together
9. I would like some of those wonderful KUDOS you give each other when you lose
10. I would like to wear size 8 pants again.

I started this week, but I'm going to really give myself from Oct 1st. So far I already seem to have lost 2.5 lbs. Not sure where that came from exactly, but Google has a cool little widget that you enter your weight in each morning and it calculates a 'moving average'. While it may not be super scientific, I love getting a visual of how I'm doing each day.

My plan contains upping my riding (so far I've ridden nearly every day this week) and speed walking around my neighborhood. I also have been making sure to drink my Odawalla Superfood. I went to the local fruit/veggie store and picked up some fresh broccoli and steamed it last night. I'll make sure to grab a fruit instead of say...a bowl of ice cream :-)

Anyway - long story longer - I'm happy to join you ladies. I'm sure this blog causes weight loss. Maybe just by typing...and reading....Heh.


SueAnne said...

Cheering you from Puyallup my friend! You GO cowgirl!

Mom2the6Rs said...

You are on your way, babe. As I said before, I believe in you, and those amazing muscles of yours have a terrific memory and they will get into shape in no time. And the horse will thank you, that's for sure! Ha!


Amy Witt said...

As we say in the great state of Texas, "Cowgirl up!!"

Here is to your success.

Kristina said...

Elicia, you ALREADY look great. But good for you for wanting to shape up even more.
I know that you can accomplish anything, if you just put your mind to it. : )


Chickadeeva said...

Thanks Everyone,

I guess I could sit back on my padded bum and let myself coast at this weight, and I don't feel big or anything, but I do see that there's huge benefits in stressing to myself the physical training aspect of this horse thing.

If I think about it, it totally makes sense, but WOW it was hard today not getting an ice cream at Dairy Queen today!

But...I DIDN'T GET IT! I did NOT eat my fries and I took the extra bread out of my turkey sandwich at the restaurant. So, there's hope for me!