Friday, September 01, 2006

Hola Ladies!

I figured I needed to blog at least once from Guatemala - plus I really would like to speak a little English at the moment. I've been eating a lot of really good food since I've been here but I have been walking so much (and climbing hills, and volcanos) that I would be surprised if I have gained any weight. It's hard to drink enough here since you can't drink the water, but I don't feel thirsty. If I had brought the cord to my camera, I would post pictures but, alas, it's back in Texas. I've been keeping track of all of you, though. Kris, Jules, Tracy, and Kimi - keep up the good work. SueAnne, hang in there, and Paige, I'm proud of you!



Tracy said...

Wow I hope you are having a wonderful time on your get away. Hiking in Volcanos sounds like some hiking I could do....

Chickadeeva said...

Wow, that's very coooool. I admire your hiking passion as I am not quite able to get myself to places like that - I have to go way to slow for anyone else :-)

Hope you'll bring some photos back with you!

Paige said...

WOW Guatemala!! That's so fun! I'm proud of you for walking, keep that up. :) We'll see you again when you get back!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Hey, Lisa! So glad you are getting some R and R. You work so hard and have such a stressful job, it is nice you are taking care of yourself.
