Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You

Okay, I am shamelessly going to hit everyone with a meme because I'm tired of speculating about a lot of you. So please, answer and play along!

1) When did you join this blog?

2) How tall are you?

3) What is your favorite exercise activity?

4) What is your favorite thing about yourself?

5) Did you have a specific moment which made you decide to start this journey?

6) Are you bigger on bottom or top (general shape: lollipop, pear, or neither)?

7) Change in yourself you are most excited about?

8) Best, biggest, or most consistent inspiration on this journey?

I'll go first...


Kristina said...

I joined this blog January of this year.

I am 5'6"

Strength training

My sense of humor, and my hair

Janurary 8th, of this year. It was my 12th wedding anniversary, and I was at the heaviest weight of my life. I was so depressed with myself as I went on a date with my honey. I remember even being embarrassed in the restaurant as we ate because I was so large. I said to myself, tomorrow I'm getting my butt to the gym and I'm gonna do whatever I got to do to gain some of my self respect back!

I USED to be bigger on the bottom,but now I'm a bit bigger on the top. I have rather wide, muscular shoulders,(sigh).

I am more confident now than I have ever been in my entire life!

Julie is the one that really got me going on this blog, and she has been a constant source of encouragment to me. Elicia also has been incredibly encouraging. : ) Well, dang, all of you girls make me want to keep going. All of you here on this blog have made this journey a totally doable thing.

Chickadeeva said...

I joined a little after the beginning of the year

I am 5'4

Horseback riding

My ability to see the silver cloud's lining

I started feeling like I needed to join in on some supportive efforts - drinking more water, keeping accountable on the riding.

I am bigger on bottom, my thighs are bigger than anything.

I am excited about the strength training and being much stronger so I can do more things.

I love watching EVERYONE reporting their successes AND THEIR FAILURES.
It makes me happy to see their humanity and their achivements!

Mom2the6Rs said...

1) When did you join this blog?
I started this blog in December of '05 as a personal weightloss journal. I soon discovered I could not do this without help so I invited some of my "fluffy" friends to join me.

2) How tall are you?

3) What is your favorite exercise activity?
Yoga...and the Eliptical machine

4) What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I know how to love people.

5) Did you have a specific moment which made you decide to start this journey?
Yes, I saw Kirsty Ally on Oprah and she was fat and fed up with it all. I was fat and fed up, too. Then I saw her about 2 months later, on Oprah, and she was thinner, happier and determined to lose all the weight she needed. I was fat and still fed up. I realized that if I had just started when she did, I would be where she was now....

6) Are you bigger on bottom or top (general shape: lollipop, pear, or neither)?

I am pretty equally dispersed.

7) Change in yourself you are most excited about?

My attitude about doing this all my life has changed. I am embracing that. I am excited about my perception of myself as an active person, too. I have never seen myself as an active person. I was always picked last for the sports teams at recess, and for good reason.

8) Best, biggest, or most consistent inspiration on this journey?

All of you guys! I feed off of the encouragement I get here, and when I encourage others, it gives me a higher purpose. The numbers on the scale and the sizes in my closet are pretty encouraging as well.

Thanks Lisa, this was good.

Lisa said...

Or maybe I'll go 4th...

1) The week before my birthday, February 2006

2) 5'10"

3) Playing tennis or soccer

4) My blue eyes and the fact that, on occasion, I can be kind of funny

5) On September 15th of last year, I realized that I was no longer skinny. I had known that, but I felt like a skinny person who had temporarily gained weight and that it would magically fall off again. That day I realized that I was just heavy and it wouldn't change until I changed it.

6) I'm pear shaped. I have a large tush and my thighs are the last place I lose weight.

7) I now wear a t-shirt in either an adult small or a child's large. And I don't have a single pair of pants that isn't baggy in the butt.

8) Duh. All of you guys. This is so much easier knowing that we're all in this together. And even when I don't have something to celebrate for myself, I can celebrate for you. It's amazing how that can sustain my hope and motivation.

Tracy said...

I think I joined the Blog in August of this year.
I am 5'8"

I have a love hate relationship with the eliptical machine, I have doing it because it kicks my butt, but I chalenge myself most on this activity.

I love my friendships and my hair.

I made my mind up when my husband and I started to try having a baby. Trying to time it just right is a chalenge enough, but I KNOW that my weight is an issue with it as well.

I am big both top & bottom, big legs, hips and bottom.

My attitude is the change I am most excited about.

There are 2 people that have helped me the most in my journey and that is Jules and my friend Marie. They are a huge inspiration to me....You all are my heros.

kimiko said...

When did you join?
I joined January 2006. I was really focused and doing well. Then my mother had a stroke and I became a caregiver for months and gave up any attention to changing my relationship with food.

I am 5 feet and 2 3/4 inches.

My all time favorite exercise is Salsa dancing. Although I am still a bit big to do it on a regular basis and feel good at it. So right now, I would have have to say the eliptical machine. I am up to 70 minutes 4-5 days a week.

What is the favorite thing about yourself?
I am fun to be around and usually the life of the party. Also that I am a very loyal friend.

What was your moment of decision?
After my mother was back on her feet from the stroke I visited the blog and I seen how far Kristina and Julie pulled ahead of me in their weightloss journey in just the few months I was away. That competive part of me kicked in and I thought,"I don't want to be the only fat girl in our group of friends!". Also, I was having a lot of unexplainable health issues that I knew would need to resolved if I was going to try to get pregnant.

What type of shape do you have?
I am diffently an Apple shape. I have very large breasts (still, even after losing 5 inches in that area). I have a round and large tummy(this is the last place I lose, so I end up carrying all my weight infront until the bulk is gone everywhere else, so frusterating!)and and a flat wide butt(however, my but is now getting a much desired "ghetto booty" look to it now with all my working out.

The change I am most excited about is my attitude towards food. Earlier this year, food had such a hold on me. I felt enslaved to my own desires. Now, for the most part I make wise decisions with my eating.

My biggest inspiration has been Jules and Kristina, knowing them both for so long and seeing them really overcome this issue in their lives showed me that I could do it too. And of course this blog. Being able to share my success and failures and to receive and give encouragement to the women on the blog has kept me focused, especially on days when I want to throw in the towel.

Amy Witt said...

1) When did you join this blog? I think around Feb of 2006 when Julie who I knew from our homeschool blog knew I was struggling with weight.

2) How tall are you? 5'6"

3) What is your favorite exercise activity? DOes chasing a 2 yr old count? Walking

4) What is your favorite thing about yourself? My love of my family.

5) Did you have a specific moment which made you decide to start this journey? Realizing I needed to lose this baby weight and he was turning 2.

6) Are you bigger on bottom or top (general shape: lollipop, pear, or neither)?bottom

7) Change in yourself you are most excited about? My attitude towards food. It does not consume me

8) Best, biggest, or most consistent inspiration on this journey?
Definitely Kristina and Julie!!