Sunday, September 24, 2006


Hello friends!

Well, after spending time with our skinnier than ever friends yesterday, I have the hope and energy to continue. My goal for this week (that's right one week at a time right now) is 4 work outs, all my water, under 1500 calories per day and NO mocha frappiccinos. I will be checking in daily for the mocah issue. Because I really have an issue. I am just an addict. Can't do this one in moderation. If I didn't have taste buds, I could just shoot it into my veins.
Kristina's skinny, size 10 butt is really my inspiration:) This will be a lofty goal believe me. I just started my cycle and feel really lovely and bloated. Working out is so fun then-NOT. With any luck, maybe I will be down to what my ticker says by my next weigh in. I will check in this time tomarrow to let you know if my car kept on driving past my coffee shop!
Cheers to less of us!


Paige said...

No IF's!!! Your car WILL drive by the coffee shop. Put that in your brain- that always works much better for me. When I take the 'if' out of my self talk, I'm much more successful!
Good for you for setting awesome goals. They're short term, reachable, and I can't wait to see you achieve them this week!

Mom2the6Rs said...

SueAnne, You have beat this mocha thing in the past, so I know you can do it again. So good to see you this weekend and I am so excited for your renewed passion.

Remember it is not what we feel that is important, it is what we know that will lead us out of bondage. I didn't feel like working out this AM, but I knew it was what I needed to do.


Chickadeeva said...

It was so awesome to meet you SueAnne!

You are going to make it girl!

Jenny V said...

SueAnne- first of all I must say Mr. poor white Oprah has made me think about the few bucks I spend a week at the old coffee shop! Secondly, it was great to meet you this weekend. You have such a beautiful smile and I remember that most about meeting you! I too had a latte addiction. No joke! I now allow myself 1 per week. That is it. I also try to make these small coffee dates with my hubby so that I am saving my coffee fix for my hubby and Not going to indulge by myself. To know that those frapp's pack about 400 calories a piece may help too. My sister once heard a woman say- Nothing tastes as good as I look!
I'm sending you extra "break the addicition angels" to help you through the week. YOu can do it. Keep us posted on how you do.

Kristina said...

Wow, more talk about my butt?! Well, I'm glad that I was able to inspire!

SueAnne, I just love you. I know that I've only met you twice, but I feel like I've known you for years... it's kinda weird. Anyhow, let me just tell you this; it really is just one day at a time, one work out session at a time, one meal at a time. It's continually making the right decisions, and following through with them. And the days that we do flub up, and believe me I've had those days, it's just a matter of getting right back to it, the VERY next day. Not starting Monday, or next month, but the very next day.
You are so worth it my friend. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. If I can do it, I have no doubt that you can too. I am totally rooting for you girlfriend.


Lisa said...

Oooh, I like Blake's idea of tucking the money away! Hey, to make it easier, maybe consider putting it in a 529 plan for your darling daughter's college fund. That might make it a little easier to be good, knowing how good it would be for her!

By the way, SueAnne, you are so pretty and look so much thinner than you did at the Spring Fling - Elicia's verklempt video really showed you off well!

