Saturday, September 16, 2006

I'm up to a whole 300 sticks of butter!!!

Translation: 75 glorious pounds G-O-N-E! I made it to my goal a whole week early. : ) I had really wanted to lose 75 by the Fall Frolic. It's been kind of slow going on moving the scale lately, but I CAN see that I've gotten a bit smaller. It's weird though. I'm trying to get used to having men stare at me when I go out. That's something I've not had to deal with for so many years. Part of me doesn't want to lose any more, because I know that the more fit that I get, the more attention I'll be getting from the opposite sex. I WILL work at getting to my goal. I'm NOT going to stop. This part of the journey is just kind of... weird. I know it isn't just what I look like, it's how I'm carrying myself. My confidence is higher than I think it's ever been, which is TOTALLY cool!


Glitzyguru said...

Awesome!! I'm so proud of you, what a major accomplishment! You are worth all the whistles and winks you receive! I'm sure Willem loves it. :)
Keep it up!
Love Mandi

Mom2the6Rs said...

300 sticks of butter. I would buy this much butter to show you what it all looks like, but that would cost me approximatley $225.00. Sorry.

Holy Cow, girlfriend!


Chickadeeva said...

Its good that you appreciate the effect that an attractive woman has - but let me propose that its not the more fit you get the more you'll attract - but how very VERY attractive a confident woman is.

You may lose more weight, but that won't necessarily increase the attention. You get the attention NOW and will get more as you grow in your own confidence.

Who doesn't find self confidence cool? Who doesn't think a pretty woman with a humble heart is a treasure?

You are cool, pretty and a woman of a precious heart. You have it all, and THAT'S what's sexy.

Kristina said...

I think I'll have to employ you as my own personal cheer leader/shrink. You are very insightful, as well as encouraging. Thank you!

Tracy said...

WOW that is a lot of butter!! That is so Awesome. You go with your confident self!!!!!