Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I have been eaten alive and spit out, piece by piece!

Come and peel me off the floor, ladies...I went to my FIRST ever Pilates class today at the YMCA. I am no longer the woman you once knew. Something has rocked my core, spit out my soul, and shredded my very being. I came close to tears three times, almost vomited my 1/2 banana once, and felt like I was being interrogated by Jack Bauer's torture agents. Other than giving birth, it was the hordest physical thing I have ever endured. I know you are laughing, but I am completely serious. And the verdict is....I will be back. Pray for me, mind, body and soul.

Love and aches and pains,


Chickadeeva said...

Why would you go back to the class if it was that unpleasant?

Glitzyguru said...

i say "good for you!". It must have been a good kind of pain, or else you are like me and are extremely competitive with yourself. :)
love you!

Lisa said...

Teehee! Sounds like the first "Ab Night" in my yoga group! :)

There's something vaguely virtuous feeling about being that sore.

Kristina said...

I'm with Chicka... ARE YOU MADD?!?!

Good for you for trying something new, though. I appreciate your determination to get into shape.

Mom2the6Rs said...

I need to get strong. I need to strengthen my core. I need to change my identity to active from inactive. My back is screwed up and my tummy is poochy and my impression of a hard workout is so whimpy and pathetic. I am not honest with myself and I don't push myself...I don't really compete with myself because I always "throw the match" inwardly. All of those reasons are why I am going back to this class. I really see it as part of my transformation, not just physically, but on every level. But I was completly stunned by how hard this thing called Pilates was! I never knew. I just never, ever knew.


Tracy said...

I have heard that pilates is wonderful for you. Great job at challenging yourself. I will be thinking about you. Do your best.

Chickadeeva said...

Ok, I like your reasons :-)

I think we all should push ourselves a bit more to do things that are hard for us!


kimiko said...

I think it is awesome that you know yourself so well and know what you need to do to challenge yourself to get the results you want. Hang in there!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Thanks, ladies!
