Thursday, May 10, 2007

Uggh. But in a good way, sort of.

After spending the last month eating very well (and the last few months eating fairly well), I am unable to eat badly without feeling more than a little yucky. Today's lunch was barbeque - wonderful barbeque - and I've come to the realization that I am simply not meant to eat that much fat in one sitting.

While it was yummy, I think I feel one of Jules' aptly-named "food hangovers" coming on. And I have to make it to tennis tonight to work some of this off.

1 comment:

Amy Witt said...

I so know what you are talking about. A good Texas BBQ is so wonderful but a long nap is so needed afterwards. Any beef drags me down. There must be something about what it takes to digest it.

GOod for you to get to play tennis afterwards.

Lisa, you inspire me!!