Thursday, May 10, 2007

I've earned my red star at the Y!

red-star, originally uploaded by

After my run this morning, I logged it in my Fitlinxx online, and it just pushed me over the 50,000 fit points mark!
I am van-less until tomorrow, as it is in the shop. The last couple of days I've not been able to make it to the Y and I've really missed it. Anyhow, I thought I'd at least get a run in early this morning while my husband was still home. I much rather prefer running on the treadmill, indoors, where the temperature is controlled. Outdoors, especially at 5:50 in the morning, the air is so cool, ohhh, how my lungs burned in protest!
Another cool thing that I've accomplished this week, is that I've had my 100th work out since we've become members at the Y in January. Now if I can just get a better handle on my eating as of late, I know I could get some more of these pounds lifted off of me. I need to start journaling again, and I don't want to. I'll start doing it again today, and let you know how I've done tomorrow. I need to have accountability if I want to press forward.


~Jennifer said...

You're doing great, Kristina, even if the scale isn't moving. You're making your heart and muscles stronger and more flexible, building bone density, and all that other good stuff!

Lisa said...

Awesome, Blossom! Getting to red so quickly is quite an accomplishment! (and take heart, the scales will catch up to you eventually)