Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just reporting Monday's stats...

I've been doing really well with my diet this week. And journaling is not as big of a pain as it was the first day, I'm getting a little used to it again. What I'm really loving though, is the feeling that I am in control again. In control and really aware of what I'm putting into my body. I have a renewed inspiration to lose more and to tone up more.

So here's the #'s from yesterday:

1,613 calories, 19 glasses of water, and had a great workout at the Y. I'm still kinda babying my foot, so I'm sticking with the elliptical for a couple of more days. Anyhow, yesterday on the ellip., I did 35 minutes, burning 532 calories, and I lifted 57,025 pounds. And I felt wonderful for the rest of the day!

1 comment:

Amy Witt said...

I so know what you mean about feeling in control again. Out of control feels just so well out of control. What is especially nice is its being in God's control because even my "in control" is out of control.

i am so sorry about your foot. Praying for a quick healing time.

About those boys..the oldest are 7 and in 1st grade (twins) and the little one is 3. I am so ready for summer break. We go to just reading and math in the summer and maybe some readalouds. Yours and mine would all have fun playing together.