Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday (and a little Sunday too)

I wrote about Mother's Day on my blog. I just ate what I wanted which is so out of control.

Today is a new day. I have written down every bite. I am using this website which is cool and fun and free to boot.

I ate 1636 cal, burned off 514 at the Y on the weights and treadmill. Drank 12 glasses of H2O.

I read my Bible this morning before anyone got up. We got all our schoolwork done today. Most the laundry is done.

I still have not tackled the time from after dinner to bedtime but I have good fruit in the house and veggies. I bought some 100 cal popcorn which was a good suggestion from Lisa. I am going to make some hot tea and read a good book, maybe take a hot bath and get to bed on time. (Fatigue is one of my triggers.)

The fin'l issues have not resolved, the kids still fight, Honey is still stressed at work, there is more to clean in my house than there are hours in the day but God is still in control and I can eat in control and in His will for my life.


Kristina said...

I went to your other blog Amy, and saw the picture of your kiddos. : ). Cute boys, what are their ages?

Too bad you live so far away, I bet our boys would love playing together.

As for your diet, I have a tough time after dinner and before bed too. Popcorn is a good low calorie snack that I eat, I also love the Healthy choice fudgicles, they have only like 80 calories. And they satisfy my chocolate cravings.

Love you girl!


~Jennifer said...

Fatigue is one of my triggers too, so like you, that after dinner/before bedtime is often tricky for me. I don't like to drink tea because then I have to pee in the middle of the night, and I prize my sleep because it doesn't come easily for me. Otherwise tea would really help. I like popcorn at night, and sometimes I'll have a slice of peanut butter toast. Hunger also keeps me from sleeping, so I go against Bob Green, Oprah's guru's commandment and eat a snack before I go to bed.