Saturday, May 19, 2007

And another pound bites the dust!

Nine pounds in nine days. I feel kinda like a contestant on The Biggest Loser... I'm in a bit of a shock, actually. If you would have told me a week and a half ago, that I would be down nine pounds, this quickly, I would have laughed in your face! But look at what discipline, and motivation have done for me lately! I'm so excited, I can't help but smile to myself as I type this out. Why is it that the thing we often need the most, generally the thing that we run from? In my case, journaling again, and being honest with my eating patterns. It occurred to me, that this is the first journaling that I've done since we've gotten our Y membership in January. I'm thinking, dude, if I would have started journaling again when we first joined the Y, I'd maybe even be at my goal by now!

Anyhow, here's yesterday's #'s:

1,517 calories, 21 glasses of water, an hour of cardio, burned 805 calories, and lifted 41,500 pounds.

1 comment:

~Jennifer said...

w00t! <~~~~~ Computer/gamer geek term showing approval. ;-)