Thursday, May 31, 2007

More tales of that crazy Kristina!

I didn't journal on Sunday or Monday. It was a holiday weekend, AND I was starving as I was premenstrual. But I got right back on track Tuesday... for the most part, anyways. : ) I worked my arse off at the Y, and then I came home and took another 1 1/2 hours to mow our lawn! I did soooo good until I went out to dinner with a girlfriend. I was FAMISHED and had just started my period. So I had a burger, the first burger in several months, thank you.
I've been doing really well, I haven't weighed since Saturday. I will once my cycle ends... You know, I've been so encouraged by what I've been able to accomplish with my fitness. It struck me on Tuesday, the day I started my period, that that was the day I've done the most cardio that I've been able to ever do. I did 73 minutes of intense cardio, and I felt soooo good, and strong. In the past when my cycle has started, that would be the one day of the month for sure that I could give myself a pass on working out for the day. But as I've increased my endurance, I didn't even think to take the day off.

Anyhow, here's some stats:

Tuesday: 754 calories up until dinner. I'm not sure what my total was for the day as I had a burger and a couple of drinks. I think it's safe to say that I had at least 2,000 calories for the day. I had 12 glasses of water. I did 73 minutes of cardio, burning 1,100 calories, and lifted 43,400 pounds.

Wednesday: 1,596 calories, 12 glasses of water, and I did 63 minutes of cardio. I burned 900 calories, and lifted 53,000 pounds.


~Jennifer said...

I love that commercial that says, "Fit has a feeling." I'm starting to realize that's true, and you really help all of us see that with your posts. You're doing great!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Don't derail on the eating track, girl. You have come to far!!! I believe in you and I stand in awe of your MIGHTY POWER!
